Hello there. I’m here to tell you about my impression of the Bachelor of Business Administration programme at the University of Tartu, since, well.. I have been enrolled in the programme for the past three years, and expecting to graduate by the end of June.

Girl power in practice:  thinking of exciting new business ideas

If you go and search on the internet for Business Administration programme University of Tartu you will find text somewhat similar to this: “3-year full-time study programme… develops a thorough understanding of enterprise… cover major areas of business…involves real life analysis, group works, lectures by company representatives… expected to take internship..”. Which, obviously, is more than correct.

This programme covers just about every significant part of the business environment. It allows you to step into the shoes of a real accountant, marketing specialist, financial manager, CEO and other business-related professions. The programme gives you the chance to test your skills and capabilities in all spheres, allowing you to understand what kind of profession would fit you the best. It is perfect for those who, during their high school years, are aware that they want to connect somehow to the world of business, yet they are not fully sure in which part of it.

Yet, all of this information is not what I would like to emphasize. What I love about my programme is the experience of having course mates and work group mates who originate from various countries of the world, allowing you to experience in full the beauty of how “globalization” hits. This definitely is something valuable since we live in an ever shrinking world, and overcoming borders and oversea markets is not a taboo any more.

Hard at work on a project with my study group

Still, this is not the best of what this programme provides. I’d say that the most valuable asset I have obtained from this programme is the ability to analyse a market in all of its factors, and try to be a part of it. Throughout the courses you will encounter many tasks that will require you to choose a market in which you will be asked to introduce a product or service, or for which you are to develop a new product. This requires skills in analysing an existing market, with existing political, economical and social patterns, with existing customers, with existing preferences, needs and cultural factors, amongst many other aspects. To me, honing these skill sets is what I value the most, taking into account that my future lies ahead of me and the world is all about the possibilities that might lead me to various countries in which I will be able to adapt and explore.

Overall, this programme is full of surprises and exciting turnouts, and I believe that everyone who takes part in it finds different valuable things. They find their own way to use this programme for their own benefits, and I truly believe that you will find it too.

If you still have any questions or doubts about studying Business Administration at the University of Tartu, feel free to contact me! You still have time to apply, since the deadline is April 15.

With great love,


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