If you are a prospective student of the Business Administration bachelor’s programme, you probably have questions about what to expect from the courses and for what you should be prepared in the programme structure. Therefore, I have decided to share my tips and answers to questions you might have to give you a clear vision of the Business Administration programme as a first-year student.
I genuinely hope this will be a helpful post and spark a new interest in applying for the BBA programme, and it will show that anything is possible if you are prepared.

Mathematics. I would not say that you have to learn complex formulas, but still, you have to know the basics. At first, I thought it was super easy, and I did not prepare for my exams. Please do not make my mistake! Focus on what is happening on the board and always listen to the teacher. Yes, math is not that hard in economics compared to computer sciences, but always remember to study and be prepared for anything. As a first-year BBA student, I recommend you look over some topics like Derivatives, Elasticities, and Consumer and Producer surplus. Moreover, you will be drawing many graphs, so I recommend you know how to do it properly.
Be as flexible as it is possible. All the teachers are different, and you must use different approaches to each of them. Usually, it is not the course that makes it hard to pass but the teacher. So, you always have to respect the teacher and do not sleep during lectures (please), even if it is 4 hours lecture without any breaks. If you will listen to the teacher, actively participate in class, and do your homework, I promise you, you will not have any problems.
Be friends with reading. Most teachers always attach some readings to the course, do not ignore them. Reading will help you to pass the course with high grades easily. Yes, they are usually not novels or fiction that we want to read, but teachers always respect the student who actually reads what they suggest and shows it in class. So, be active and read. Even if you are not applying for BBA, it is relevant for any major.
Be ready to present in public and be prepared for questions. I am sure every prospective BBA student knows it, but I had to mention it. It is vital for BBA students to understand how to act in public to sell their products or services. Moreover, you will have many assignments demanding presentations and proper speeches. However, do not be scared because you will learn everything in the courses like “Business ethics” or “Business Communication” in your first-year program.
Be prepared to meet different people. There are lots of cultures and different nationalities in Tartu. I do not even feel like I am in Estonia when walking in the streets because I always see foreigners. If you just look somewhere, you will probably see people from Nigeria, Asia, and Ukraine talking to each other. That is why being open-minded and tolerant will be your best weapon. As a Business Administration student, I see it as an opportunity to have connections from different places all over the world.

As a person from a simple school near home, I did not have any events or out-of-class activities at school like clubs or “sTARTUp days.” I was surprised when our university started offering us great opportunities. For instance, the “Career day” went awesome recently. We got acquainted with lots of companies and had a chance to get a real job. So, I advise participating in the extraordinary events the university offers. This is also an excellent chance to make more friends outside of your major.
Finally, try to have fun in the meantime. At some point, you will feel tired, and that is when you will need your friends and google maps. Take a walk or go somewhere specific, do not be locked in your dorm. There are many incredible places to visit in Tartu, like museums, hiking spots, different cafes, and restaurants, or just discovering the city would also work.
I hope this post was useful and interesting. I wish you a fascinating academic journey at our university!
A kind reminder that the application process has already started for BBA and will be open until the 15th of April. Check out more about what the University of Tartu can offer you! https://ut.ee/bba