Our Top-10 Most-Read Blog Posts From 2020 – ISA Blog

In 2020, we posted 27 insightful, informative, and personal blog posts from the ambassadors from 18 different countries. Here are the top-10 most-read blog posts from 2020:

  1. How to Wake Up and Be Productive When the Sunrise is at 9 am – Anna (Ukraine)
    Do you feel tired in the morning? Is it hard for you to wake up and be productive during the day? If yes, then you must be struggling because of the darkness in Estonia. This article will give you some practical tips on how to survive times with a lack of sun in the morning.
  2. A Love Letter to the Library – Tejas (India)
    Do you love the UT library as much as our ambassador Tejas does? Then this beautiful love letter is what you want to read tonight!
  3. Doctors in Tartu: Options and Where to Find Them – Emma (The Netherlands)
    Even if you do not need one at the moment, you might wonder – how do I register with a family physician? Who do I contact when I get sick? Who can I reach out to talk about my mental health? This blog post provides several courses of action you can take, as well as information on who to reach out to.
  4. How To Become an International Student Ambassador?- Ayaz (Azerbaijan)
    Would you like to be one of the International Student Ambassadors of the University of Tartu? Yes? Then you are in the right place. In this blog, you will find the answers to all your questions!
  5. Finding a Job in Estonia: a Success Story – Līga (Latvia)
    If you’re looking for a tip or two on how to find a job in Tartu, Estonia, or just want to hear a lifting and hopefully inspiring story of how I managed to do it in about a month’s time, then read this post!
  6. 5 Things to Expect from Your Studies at the University of Tartu – Kateryna (Ukraine)
    If you’re currently deciding whether to apply to the University of Tartu (and the answer is yes!), check this blog post to see what you can expect from your future studies at UT.
  7. A Walk in Tartu – Shefali (India)
    Let’s go for a walk, shall we? Check this blog post for some tips on where to go and what to see in Tartu (map included!)
  8. 3 Lessons Learned from Online Classes – Nicole (Ecuador)
    The experience of taking classes from a different time zone has taught Nicole a few lessons on how to make the most out of one’s online studies. If some of you are still struggling with your online studies, follow these tips to make your experience a bit easier!
  9. 6 Reasons Why Professors at the University of Tartu are so Awesome – Liviu (Romania)
     Thanks to Liviu’s previous experience in teaching and pedagogy, he was able to pay closer attention to how his professors at UT teach and behave. Therefore, he shares with you six reasons why he thinks professors at the University of Tartu deserve all the praise for just being awesome.
  10. Opportunities for an IT student in Tartu – Tetiana (Ukraine)
    You have decided to become an IT student at the University of Tartu and now you are wondering what other activities are waiting for you here? Or are you an IT student at UT already and having trouble finding a job? Then this blog post is for you!

*Thanks to UT blog for the idea!

We are International Student Ambassadors of the University of Tartu. Through our experience, you can start planning your studies at the University of Tartu. We hope you enjoy our blog.