Before I came to Tartu, I had already learned about the student days. All events seemed really great, but I was especially looking forward to experiencing the boat race. So when the student days rolled around this time, I immediately jumped on the opportunity to participate in this event.

Our lovely team, ema ja ISA, met up around 2 o’clock to prepare for this event. Luckily our boat was ready when we were, and we even had time for some dry practicing. Besides making our team more coordinated, the dry run also made the entire team more hyped up about the event. The will to win was certainly present.

Row, row, row your boat, as fast as possible down the stream

The race started with our team leaders running towards the boats, followed by all teams trying to carry their boats to the water. Of course, chaos ensued, which made the event all the more fun. The ema ja ISA team made it fairly quickly into the water and tried to keep up with the leading teams.

Before entering the water, we had decided that it would be helpful to shout one-two, to keep a steady rhythm to which we could row.  This method seemed to work well for us until we had to make a turn. I think I can speak for all teams here, and say that this was the hardest part of the race. Every time we tried to turn, we kept drifting back. Fortunately, most teams were able to make it past the post.


Although we were all euphoric having finished the most difficult part of the race, we were still far away from the finish. All teams tried to row as fast as they could towards the net where all team leaders had to climb up and run towards a platform further down the river. After picking up our team leader, it was a mad dash towards the finish.


The competition was great, and I want to congratulate Veteraanid, Yamato, and TARBATU for becoming first, second, and third. I also wish to congratulate my own team for coming in 5th and winning the price for the most comfortable price. Moreover, I wish to thank all the other teams for participating and the organizers for holding this amazing event, without you, it certainly wouldn’t have been as fun.

Row, row, row your boat, as fast as possible down the stream

Row, row, row your boat, as fast as possible down the stream

Until next year student days, where I will for sure end up on a boat again.

We are International Student Ambassadors of the University of Tartu. Through our experience, you can start planning your studies at the University of Tartu. We hope you enjoy our blog.