Yaaaaay!!! Tomorrow is day four of student days. If you think you’ve had enough fun from the past few days then be rest assured that you haven’t experienced anything yet. Walk beside me so I take you on this epic journey of what to expect for day four. Let’s take a look some exciting events that what will be going down tomorrow.

19.00 – A Night Around the World
Location: Arhiiv


You don’t always see three different student organizations come together to make an event in Tartu which is why this event is my pick of the bunch. AIESEC, ISA and AASE are putting together a mind blowing pack titled “A Night Around the World” just for you to take the trip down the secret passage. This event definitely promises to be exciting and fun filled. You will have a taste of different cultures around the world, from the African continent down to Asia, and all the way to North America you’ll be having an experience of a lifetime. This definitely is something you shouldn’t miss out on as you will simple be having a world tour right here in Tartu.

18.00-20.00 – What Is This Place?
Location: The Old Observatory, Lossi 40

So it might surprise you to know that I’ve met graduates of the University of Tartu who do not really know anything about the university history and I’m not joking at all. University of Tartu prides itself as one of the best university in the world and obviously the best university in the Baltics. It’s not enough to say “I’m a student of the best University in the Baltics”, you should go one step further and actually have fun learning about the history of our amazing University. It’s time you find out the answer to the question “What is this place?”.

21.00 – Open Mic Night
Location: Bar Edison


Open mic nights are always fun, doesn’t matter if you’re a good or bad singer, all that really matters is that you show up and have an amazing time. It’s always a good idea to for lovers of music to gether together and have a karoake-esque experience. As usually there’s always fun when there’s alcohol and music so this is a must attend to wind up your Thursday.

We are International Student Ambassadors of the University of Tartu. Through our experience, you can start planning your studies at the University of Tartu. We hope you enjoy our blog.