What is EACH and why the University of Tartu? It feels like I receive at least one of these two questions almost every day. Writing about it becomes a necessity now, and hopefully, it will help you get some insight.EACH stands for Excellence in Analytical Chemistry. It is one of the 80 Master programmes of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD). Much like other EMJMD programmes, EACH is a mobility-based programme which offers interesting study tracks. Over the course of a two years study period, you will have the opportunity to study at two universities in two different countries. You also get the chance to visit two or three other countries for winter schools and your internship. All information about the programme is comprehensively provided here. This is why I would like to mostly talk about my personal opinion: why EACH?!
- Experiencing the culture
Apart from its advanced quality in education and research, what else do you want to experience in Europe? For me, this question can be answered through cultural experience. I am from Indonesia, and Europe is always seemed to be a very far place. So, during my study, I always make time to get to know locals, immersing myself in their habits and culture. In general, everything in Europe is different from Asia, but several things can be surprisingly similar. For example, I had no idea people eat meat with jam. All these international experiences have broadened my perspective and enriched my way of thinking.

- Flexibility to plan your future
You might hear that EACH, as one of the Erasmus programmes, comes with fully funded scholarship and it is such a huge opportunity with a PLUS. Contrary to some other programmes, you have no particular obligation after completion of your study. This means that after finishing the programme, you have the flexibility to start your career in your desired sector right away. Continuing your studies to obtain a Ph.D., working for a company in Europe, or going back to your country and work in the governmental sector? It is all your choice.
- Excellent study tracks
This is the highlighted PLUS of the EACH programme. The first year of study will be undertaken at the Institute of Chemistry at the University of Tartu. For the second year, there are three options available: you can choose to go either to Uppsala University in Sweden, Université Claude Bernard in Lyon France, or to Åbo Akademi in Finland. Basic chemical analysis will be taught at the University of Tartu by the most competent professor in the country, who is supportive and approachable. The second year of studying offers you the opportunity of sophisticated specialization. Enrolling in the EACH programme will equip you professional competitive qualification that will benefit you during your career. Curricula are designed synergistically so that all materials comply with current technology and future trends.

- Winter schools
Going to winter school is a fun perk of the programme. Every winter, students will participate in the one-week memorable winter school. Therefore, during your study period, you will experience not only one, but a total of two winter schools. This winter, it was held in the beautiful city of Lyon. It was one of the most amazing EACH experiences I had so far. We had nothing but fun exploring Lyon, collecting water samples and taking pictures. Also, we got to meet students from the second year and hear about their experiences and their research plan. There were also fascinating lectures which gave us some valuable insight into prospective second-year study specialization topics. I heard that next winter school is going to happen in Finland, and it is just so exciting!

- University of Tartu and Estonia
Head of the University consortium is the University of Tartu which gives you another advantage. Thanks to our programme director Prof. Ivo Leito, everything is organized in such a fashion that it is very easy to go from the application period to the selection for your second-year study track. The University of Tartu provides a supportive and friendly study environment. The staff members are incredibly nice and always ready to help you get through any hassle. Tartu itself is a lovely city, with even lovelier people. I have spent 7 months studying in Tartu and I could not have wished for something better.

- Consortium and its collaboration and networking
Apart from the University of Tartu and its three partner universities for the second year, the EACH consortium has built a wide collaboration and networking infrastructure ranging from company laboratories and research laboratories to industrial consortia spread all over Europe. I can already hear you ask, “what perks can you get from it?” Well, you will have the opportunity to do your internship in many advanced laboratories and do your research not only in the university but in research laboratories or even in a leading company. EACH is simply beyond expectation.

- Double degree
I can not call this as significant a plus, but I still find it cool that you can obtain two Master of Science degrees in a two-year period of studying.
I am so happy if I can help you with all your inquiries about EACH. If you have any specific question do not hesitate to contact me.