Ah, holidays! Do you have this New Year’s mood? So now that finals have mostly passed, it is the time to swap textbooks for Netflix and an alarm clock for endless sleep. But before diving into this procrastinating era, let’s talk about making the most of this break.
So, how can we balance being productive and relaxing? Here are some key tips:
1. Prioritise rest
First of all – sleep well! Try not to stay up late and be sure to get a solid 8 hours of sleep (if you accidentally sleep for 12 hours, just call it “catching up on a semester’s worth of sleep debt”). Take breaks from screens, read more books, and let your eyes rest. They have seen enough horrible things such as academic articles, assignments, and so on during the semester…Take a long bath or have a spa day at home. Don’t forget to warn the people you’re living with that you will be wearing a face mask, so as not to scare them. All plans that you were postponing due to your studies you can now bring back to life. Concentrate on your hobbies, but make sure that your hobby isn’t “seeing how many snacks you can eat in one sitting”; try something new or spend extra time on self-improvement.

2. Plan ahead
Creating a concrete plan/schedule and allocating time for work and play is also helpful. Write down all the plans you have and organise them effectively. This plan can even include meeting with family or friends, or just finally organising your sock drawer. Keep track of your plans in a fancy planner. Break your tasks into smaller steps; instead of “clean the house”, try “clean one room”. If you end up just cleaning your desk, that’s still progress!

3. Stay active
Go for a walk or do some yoga (if you end up doing yoga in your pyjamas, that’s just multitasking). Spend more time in nature (if you stay in Estonia for holidays, walking to the nearest supermarket and back, without freezing to death, also counts!). Have a mini dance party in your room, or try watching a workout video.
4. Spend time with loved ones
Spend more time with family and friends, even if they are far from you. Plan virtual gatherings (bonus points if you can convince everyone to wear funny hats). Embrace with pride all foolish family/friends’ traditions (personally, I am going to make a snowman with my younger brother). Organise a game night or just try making a meal with family or friends. If the kitchen ends up looking like a disaster zone, at least you made some memories.

5. Try something new
Take a short online course. If you choose the “How to nap like a pro” one, you are still learning…Try cooking or crafting, maybe you were a secret fan of macramé all this time. Make Duolingo happy again – he missed you. Pick up a new musical instrument. There are plenty of online tutorials for beginners. Volunteer for local organisations. You’ll learn new skills and make a positive impact.

6. Reflect and plan for the future
Think about your achievements. If surviving finals week is on that list, give yourself a high-five! Create a vision board, set new goals and plan some for the next year (if one of those goals is “learn to cook something other than sandwiches”, you’re on the right track). It is the perfect time to get inspired for the second semester and to plan all the courses you are going to take, and not delay it until the last possible date.

7. Practise mindfulness
Spend a few minutes meditating. There are a lot of videos on YouTube that are related to this. If you fall asleep while meditating, just call it a “deep relaxation session”. Write down things you’re grateful for. It will make you more positive and motivated (I had “I am grateful for Wi-Fi and snacks” at the start).
So it is what it is. With these tips, you can make the most of your holiday break by staying productive and relaxed. Whether you’re burying your friends in the snow or mastering the art of napping, remember to have fun and enjoy the time off. After all, the holidays are about recharging and making memories.
Happy holidays! <3
Photos all author’s own
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